Thursday, August 2, 2007


On Friday, Svetlana taught her first Sign Language class. According to a visiting teacher of the deaf who sat in on the class, she did a great job. She enjoyed doing it, and wants to take it on as a weekly responsibility.

Mondays, we'll also be doing a special weekly Sign class with an audiologist who is a missionary here. Her 18 year old son who works alongside her at the audiology office will also attend.

We had to turn away a 16 year old boy this week. He had no formal language skills, and his father has never made the effort to get him into a school until now. I wish I could say this was unusual, but it isn't. Currently we don't have the staff or space for a special class to help these older learners. It is hard to close the door.

Yesterday we spent several hours at the audiologist's office. Four audiograms were done and explained, and we were on our way home.

We are hard at work getting materials together for the soon-coming school year.

Monday we are going for a follow-up to a letter we sent last year to the Dept. of Education. The person we gave the previous letter to has been replaced by someone else, and probably our letter was lost in the shuffle, as we have not heard from them after quite a long time. We are still in the process of getting the school recognized by the government. That is how it is done here. You start the school first, then you get it approved, rather than the reverse.

Sandwiched into my days, are meetings and appointments with a variety of people who need our help, or who are helping us. Time is running out to get all the odds and ends done before the intensity of back to school.

please pray for:
  • wisdom in preparations for the new school year
  • continued good relationships with parents and among teachers
  • God's provision for our needs
  • every child to come to a knowledge of the truth
  • the school to be a channel of blessing to everyone involved

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