Friday, August 17, 2007

Good news for us...

Hurricane Dean is blowing past to the south of us tomorrow, if it follows the projected path. The extreme west of the country, along the Haitian border, is in the path of Dean, however. Instead of a hurricane, we'll get a tropical storm here in the capital. That just means lots of wind and up to five inches of rain--flooding all over. But floods resolve quickly as a rule, and we get back to normal within a few days.

We accepted two new students today, and are expecting more to show up next week as school begins. We are very close to capacity now.

Yesterday we went to remind the government folks that we want our school to be recognized. The process stalled when the govt. worker who we first applied to, left the job and it was taken over by another. Our application letter got lost in the shuffle. The current worker assured us they will be sending someone to check us out soon. Please pray that all will go well in this process.

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